On 11/15/17, Peter Da Silva <peter.dasi...@flightaware.com> wrote:
> Tk is platform independent, so long as you don’t do UNIX-specific stuff (eg,
> assume UNIX file paths and stuff) any Tk app should work just fine on
> Windows.

A majority of the SQLite source code and also the Fossil SCM source
code (those parts written by me, which is the majority in both cases)
was composed in a cross-platform text editor that is written in
Tcl/Tk, based on the text widget.  The same TclTk source file runs on
linux, mac, and windows.  I've used that same editor for two decades,
now and then updating it for this or that new feature that I find

SQLite began life as a Tcl extension that only later escaped into the
wild.  That's why most of the test cases for SQLite are written in
Tcl, why "tclsh" is required to build from canonical sources, why the
Tcl language bindings are built in, why SQLite accept parameters that
look like Tcl language variables, and why SQLite uses flexible typing
and does not require explicit data types on columns.

There is a new book out on Tcl by Ashok Nadkarni.  See
http://wiki.tcl.tk/48868 for details.  I have not read it myself, but
people I trust tell me that it is good.
D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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