On 26/10/2018 11:02 PM, Gary R. Schmidt wrote:

On 26/10/2018 14:12, Philip Warner wrote:
I agree with the humour. As a satirical statement on the horrors of building a good CoC/CoE it is quite effective.

But...if it is a CoC/E, then I think it would be beneficial to have one that many people won't start by knowingly and deliberately ignoring large chunks, and broadly disagreeing with even more, and laughing at the rest.

Of course, after all, that's how christianity developed, by picking and choosing the various bits of whatever else was around that were in tune with the various prejudices and predilections of those involved.

Although the "laughing at the rest" was more often "kill them, and the horses they rode in on."

Lol. Love it. Perhaps that should be the disclaimer:

Code of Conduct


TL;DR: to put this in historical context, given it's broad lack of applicability, it has in large part often reduced to "kill them, and the horses they rode in on". YMMV.

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