On 5/24/2012 11:46 AM, IQuant wrote:
ie.  I have a table with 1,000,000 + records collecting real time
stats from many devices with many columns but the main ones of
interest are 'timestamp', 'latency' and 'DeviceID'.

2012-05-01 13:12:11.103  Null   14356
2012-05-01 13:12:11.103  Null   14372
2012-05-01 13:12:11.103  Null   4356
2012-05-01 13:12:07.103  Null   14356
2012-05-01  13:12:11.221 Null    14356

I want to update the latency field for each record with the latest
previous timestamp for the same DeviceID.

update MyTable set latency = (
  select max(t2.timestamp) from MyTable t2
where t2.DeviceId = MyTable.DeviceId and t2.timestamp < MyTable.timestamp);

Igor Tandetnik

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