On 20 Jul 2016 at 23:14, Robby Helperin <r...@spotlightmusic.com> wrote: 

> Thanks, Simon, this looks promising!
> Is this something that can be done programmatically in code (vb.net) or only
> from the command prompt?
> If programmatically, could you shoot me a quick syntax example?

Here's an example of what I do in PHP to move a row from one database to 
another. I need to go via a memory database in order to get a unique absid in 
the destination db:

     $dbh->exec ("attach database ':memory:' as mem');
     $dbh->exec ("create table mem.messages as select * from main.messages 
where absid=" . $absid);
     $dbh->exec ("update mem.messages set absid=null");

     $dbh->exec ("attach database '/path/to/destination/db' as dst");
     $dbh->exec ("insert into dst.messages select * from mem.messages");
     $dbh->exec ("delete from main.messages where absid=" . $absid);

Here, $dbh is a handle for the source database, $absid gives the id of the row 
to be moved from the source db. In the destination db it has a new, unique, id.

Doing it as above means that you don't need to know what the schema is for the 
messages table, as long as it is the same in both db.

Cheers  --  Tim
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