On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 6:19 AM Livingood, Jason <
jason_living...@comcast.com> wrote:

> IMO I don’t think you can judge that by using Galene – you need to use the
> large market-share platforms.

Only a few years ago, there were no large market share platforms. Given
that multiple corps I work with now will not use zoom at all, others will
only use msteams, others still fleeing from google,
and in my world, p2p (via skype, telegram, matrix, signal), and group
(matrix is trialing a stacked SFU based on the pion library), dominates in
general I do not buy the "must test the mass market surveillance capitalism
videoconferencing tool", concept...  rather... one that takes 10 minutes to
setup, control the source code to, and servers it runs on, as well as the
statistics it collects.

What is research today will be common one day, and I for one would welcome
the end of metered, centralized, and surveilled videoconferencing. Stuff
built around the pion library is currently best in class for what can be
achieved over webrtc, in terms of latency. Zoom went the other way,
preserving video quality, at the expense of interactivity.

> Also, given the density issues facing LEO services, a single sample can’t
> be taken as particularly representative – you’d need more users across a
> broader range of density/terrain types.
I 110% agree, which is why I asked here, which has multiple researchers
engaged in wider scale and long term studies.  2? (3?) weeks back I was
seeing, about once every 5 minutes, a jump to a 70ms baseline latency,
which I do not see in the past week´s worth of data. I would also typically
see worse behavior on a downshift of available bandwidth. I can (and do)
pick these out via a CDF plot over time but the data is noisy as heck.

Given that I have no particularly good tools for measuring a zoom
conference, I am kind of leveraging making a recording of a podcast, and
counting glitches with a stopwatch.

How far we have come s-s-s-since m-m-m-max headroom!


How far we have to go!

> JL
> *From: *Starlink <starlink-boun...@lists.bufferbloat.net> on behalf of
> Dave Taht via Starlink <starlink@lists.bufferbloat.net>
> *Reply-To: *Dave Taht <dave.t...@gmail.com>
> *Date: *Friday, September 15, 2023 at 18:45
> *To: *Dave Taht via Starlink <starlink@lists.bufferbloat.net>
> *Subject: *[Starlink] impressed with my starlink today
> I just did a bunch of videoconferences all morning without many glitches.
> (2 hours, only one download glitch, not recording so I do not know how good
> the up was) Admittedly, I was
> using galene.org
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/galene.org__;!!CQl3mcHX2A!AwJw0pjxf076FkQM4rXF8f3rISzxQCURREhzLa7IZFgxvmgtQP16gVm8yjle-XsLqPa92ijxNko7aWsEdoQbf9jW__cpI23ESQ$>
> rather than zoom, but I did do a couple up and downloads while talking and
> they seemed to work pretty well.
> I ran a few tests afterwards, to observe my overall bandwidth up was way
> up, and tcp congestion controls pretty smoothly adapting to physical
> changes in RTT and bandwidth for a change. I sat there and admired the
> T+120 smoothnesss in this transition, in particular.
> Anyone else seeing progress in long term behaviors? I think in part it was
> just galene doing better, or perhaps it was because my baseline bandwidth
> stayed above galene´s base.
> --
> Oct 30:
> https://netdevconf.info/0x17/news/the-maestro-and-the-music-bof.html
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/netdevconf.info/0x17/news/the-maestro-and-the-music-bof.html__;!!CQl3mcHX2A!AwJw0pjxf076FkQM4rXF8f3rISzxQCURREhzLa7IZFgxvmgtQP16gVm8yjle-XsLqPa92ijxNko7aWsEdoQbf9jW__eDsNR67A$>
> Dave Täht CSO, LibreQos

Oct 30: https://netdevconf.info/0x17/news/the-maestro-and-the-music-bof.html
Dave Täht CSO, LibreQos
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