Is userID a member of your ActionForm subclass? If you make it a member of
your ActionForm, it will get maintained (provided you don't wipe it out in
your reset() method) for you if you have a <html:hidden property="userID"/>
tag in your jsp. I tried this using a session scoped form and it worked.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jakkampudi, ChandraseKhar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 12:29 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Request: Property vs Attribute

I have a jsp that displays details of a user. The display is in a form that
can also be used to modify user details. Access to this page is via a url
like However the userid is not a
editable field and I use a hidden variable to pass this information back to
the server fo updates. On validation, if I return to the input page, the
hidden variable is lost. So I use request.setAttribute("userID", "123") in
the perform method of the action before redirecting to set the information

However because of this I have to have this conditional at the top of my jsp

String userID = request.getParameter("userID");
if (userID == null){
        userID = (String) request.getAttribute("userID");

This is because the logic:present tag just uses the getParameter command and
returns false even if the required string is an attribute of the request. 
I know I can change the source, but it would be difficult to maintain as I
have to remember this fact everytime we do an upgrade. 

Any suggestions on how to implement this better without using scriptlets.


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