On Fri, 2002-02-15 at 02:19, Ted Husted wrote:

I have a question along these lines:
Quite often I have thing like an acknowledge page, very much
like an Ok Dialog: "The password has been changed successfully.
<html:submit>OK</html:submit>". I'm toying with the idea of generalize
this by having an "OKAction" and an okdialog.jsp where I parametrize
or attributize the message and the forward (yes, this is bad, routing
outside of struts-config.xml). 

It works, but only sub-optimal, because to return to a specific page
"/userdetail.do" requires the uid field. Somehow this should be within
the generic okdialog.jsp. I'd like to have a collection of parameters
set which are dynamically added to the okdialog.jsp in hidden fields,
but hidden::name/property seems to be "static". Any hints here ? Am I
down a wrong road ? How do others do these quite generic dialogs ?


Andreas Mack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
mediales. GmbH http://www.mediales.de

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