At 01:24 PM 8/27/2009, you wrote:

And two people have already told you this and where to find them!

Two questions this thread brings up, I don't know if it's open for discussion or just a question for the mods..

The common 'protocol' is to reply to the group.

But - correct me if I'm wrong - if a person simply looks in the help file and e-mails, they aren't subscribed to the list. So when someone replies to the list, that person will never see the reply(ies) - correct? Should this perhaps be modified? Maybe not allow a person to e-mail without - at the very least, getting an e-mali back telling them they need to subscribe otherwise they won't see replies?

This would also solve the problem that's come up quite a few times recently of "OMG! I sent my user ID and password to a mailing list!" or "What?! This message was confidential!"

Second question - can we disable HTML - rather allowing people to post HTML? There's no reason (IMHO) a 1 line message of "I can't connect to the XMITT server" should contain 200 lines of HTML garbage, a JPG embedded with the company image, etc....

Thanks. :)

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