Evan Platt wrote:

> But - correct me if I'm wrong - if a person simply looks in the help
> file and e-mails support@pidgin.im, they aren't subscribed to the list.
> So when someone replies to the list, that person will never see the
> reply(ies) - correct? Should this perhaps be modified? Maybe not allow a
> person to e-mail support@pidgin.im without - at the very least, getting
> an e-mali back telling them they need to subscribe otherwise they won't
> see replies?

Sounds like an excellent idea.  Perhaps 'clicking' on the Support
MailTo: Link should generate an automatic 'Form Email' including the
Link to Subscribe/Un-Subscribe along with the 'warning' that the Email
is going to be Posted to a Public Forum.  Probably better would be to
state the 'warning' in the same location as the Support List address.  :-\

> This would also solve the problem that's come up quite a few times
> recently of "OMG! I sent my user ID and password to a mailing list!" or
> "What?! This message was confidential!"

Of course, You'll never be 100% successful in protecting folks from
themselves.  God knows, Governments keep spending Billions trying and
failing.  :-D

> Second question - can we disable HTML - rather allowing people to post
> HTML? There's no reason (IMHO) a 1 line message of "I can't connect to
> the XMITT server" should contain 200 lines of HTML garbage, a JPG
> embedded with the company image, etc....

Your MUA is set to Open Email showing HTML?  =-O

Still, this is also an excellent suggestion.  If screenshots are truly
necessary then perhaps someone should 'approach' the individual directly
and solicit them.  :-\  If for no other reason than to reduce the
bandwidth required to download HTML Email which counts against those
with pre-set limits. [think laptop/netbook dongles with 5GB/month maximums]

Timestamp: Thursday 27 Aug 2009, 16:57  --400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

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