At 01:58 PM 8/27/2009, you wrote:

Sounds like an excellent idea.  Perhaps 'clicking' on the Support
MailTo: Link should generate an automatic 'Form Email' including the
Link to Subscribe/Un-Subscribe along with the 'warning' that the Email
is going to be Posted to a Public Forum.  Probably better would be to
state the 'warning' in the same location as the Support List address.  :-\

I second that.. Err me too! :)

Of course, You'll never be 100% successful in protecting folks from
themselves.  God knows, Governments keep spending Billions trying and
failing.  :-D

Good point.

Your MUA is set to Open Email showing HTML?  =-O

As little as possible. Eudora. I know of no way to NOT have it do it, unless anyone here knows?

All the "Disable" options are checked, but there's really only "Allow HTML executables", and that's disabled.

Still, this is also an excellent suggestion.  If screenshots are truly
necessary then perhaps someone should 'approach' the individual directly
and solicit them.  :-\  If for no other reason than to reduce the
bandwidth required to download HTML Email which counts against those
with pre-set limits. [think laptop/netbook dongles with 5GB/month maximums]

Or people using Blackberrys..
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