Well, since the request is forwarded and not redirected it is possible
to set any number of different variables that can be retrieved later,
even something like sfConfig::set("404_message", "something"); would
be sufficient.

The problem is that you'd have to do that prior to calling 404
function, so would be a pain with things like forward404Unless()

It would be much nicer if the message passed as a parameter to the
forward404 functions was available in the action that is handling the
error - actually it would be best if the exception object itself was
available. I'm actually surprised it isn't already, which why I wonder
if I've overlooked something...


On Sep 14, 11:34 am, Lee Bolding <l...@leesbian.net> wrote:
> On 13 Sep 2009, at 18:12, rooster (Russ) wrote:
> > In the meantime, unless anyone else can think of something, the only
> > thing I can suggest is that you override the sf404Exception class to
> > store the message for you.
> I haven't tried this before, but you could try using my  
> sfRequestPlugin (http://www.symfony-project.org/plugins/
> sfRequestPlugin), setting the error using $request->setError(), then  
> retrieve the error within your 404 module/action/template.
> I haven't tested the plugin on SF 1.2 yet...
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