Usually, when a PR needs fixing, it is done in the same PR, and there may
be need to rebase so that commit history is not polluted, hence git push -f
On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 3:59 PM Lennart Poettering <>

> On Tue, 09.06.15 18:42, David Timothy Strauss (
> wrote:
> > Let's just try the GitHub tracker. I like how it associates issues with
> > pull requests and supports auto-linking for commit IDs, user names, and
> > other issue numbers. Is there any serious use case for systemd upstream
> it
> > doesn't support?
> Here's one issue I have with the github bug tracker. Or maybe it's
> more an issue with the github PR tracker... Anyway, if somebody finds
> a bug in systemd two things might happen:
>      a) if he's a user/admin without C skills, he'll just file an
>         issue and that's it. that's great.
>      b) if he's a hacker with C skills he'll likely send us a PR
>         instead. But this is where the problems now start: Most likely
>         the first patch iteration will not be right, so we comment and
>         ask for a new PR, and close the old one. The two PRs will not
>         be closely related to each other then. In the best case they
>         will "reference" each other, but that's it. However what's
>         worse is that the bug is not tracked at all in the the time
>         between the old PR got closed and the new is opened. Now, we
>         could require that in the meantime a new "issue" has to be
>         created, but this is a manual process, and it will not inherit
>         labels and stuff, unless the user does so manually. And that's
>         nasty.
> And of course, the issue that in case of a) we only end up in an
> issue, and in case of b) when the first patch is actually good we only
> end up in a PR is a major issue too.
> I am not sure what to do about this yet. Maybe we can enforce that PRs
> have to have an issue, or so.
> Maybe anyone has an idea?
> Lennart
> --
> Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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