On Wed, 10.06.15 17:38, Jóhann B. Guðmundsson (johan...@gmail.com) wrote:

> >>>Without proper infrastructure ( or at least the wills to acquire such )  
> >>>how
> >>>can you ( or any of us for that matter ) with a straight face advocate for
> >>>consolidation and call systemd the modern building block of an OS ( which
> >>>arguably means this is second component to the Linux kernel ) and sell
> >>>distribution and companies that it should be what they rely on?
> >>>
> >>>All these years we have work hard on all distribution and embedded switch 
> >>>to
> >>>us, rely on us and when push comes to shove we go "meh" we have no 
> >>>intention
> >>>to go to the next level to properly support you?
> >Yeah, we have no intention to turn systemd into a company or
> >foundation. Sorry.
> Is that a requirement?
> Can we not survive through funds and donation?
> As far as I know the linux kernel is neither an company nor a foundation and
> somehow they manage do they not?

The kernel.org admin is paid by the Linux Foundation to my
knowledge. But, well, we are not the Linux kernel, and hence not the
posterchild of Open Source.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
systemd-devel mailing list

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