On 06/10/2015 07:36 PM, Greg KH wrote:
On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 07:04:17PM +0000, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
On 06/10/2015 05:46 PM, Greg KH wrote:
There's also no real need for it, I don't understand why you keep
insisting there is given how well things have been working so far.
I do understand and am aware of the complication ( legal and otherwise
social aspect of it etc ) involved with bringing funds to the project.

Thou you might feel things have been working so far I do not.

Has it worked? yes barely, Could we do better? very much so.

I feel that the community has been showing growth pain for quite sometime.
patches sent to the mailinglist have gone unnoticed, unreviewed. bugs filed
in bz.fd.o being poorly handled etc.
Creating a foundation isn't going to change this :)

Arguably the foundation already exist but that foundation is not doing it's due dilligance so what alternative when dealing with the core/baseOS layer do we have?

Fragmentation is not the way, that has been historically proven so again what alternative have been discussed in this regard on plumbers?

After what 5 years is consolidation in sight or are people still thinking that layers is or should be about choice?

That is why I started working ( a while back ) on finding suitable bug
tracker, buying the systemd.community domain etc. with sole intent to
offload work of developers ( and show up with proof of concept on one the
hackfest to start this discussion for real )

The reason I'm being so persistent is because I believe this is the right
course forward at this point in time to offload work from developers and for
the growth and improvement of the project hence I should give it my best to
try to see that through.

Also I'm afraid that the move to github will not yield the result that is
being sought and arguably is necessary ( most certainly not alone)  on top
of that people seem to have mixed feelings about it's process and workflows
as well so deciding something like this behind closed door then simply
announce it was not the right approach towards the community that is if the
intend is truly to build,have and sustain a community but here we are.
How about we try the github stuff for a while now and see how well it
works, or does not work, and then iterate from there based on

We could implement this one the side and take from there ( evaluate ) since it's an --> addon <-- to already chosen path not replacement but since you ( by you I mean the the cabal since afaik you did not have personal involvement in choosing this ) chose this route ( without input from the community and it's committers code or otherwise ).

I can wait patiently since it's curios for me to observe code walk into repository which is an addon rep of 4 millions and individuals expect that in a room full of 8 millions that they get heard and noticed and entering that venue willl solve all their problems ( if they manage to get noticed, it will answer quite old and by old I mean longer than the history of America and books will be written )

Yeah sure I can patiently accept that challenge to my intellect ( I waited what 2 years after me an Kay briefly touch this subject of community on one of the hackfest, arguably both of us slightly intoxicated and I dvelved and work on it ) and be amazed since last time I walked into a forest I could not see the lotus for the leaves but let's see if the Germans have answer to that, and joining a community of 8 millions, with 4 millions of repositories will get heads to turn and people suddenly notice and contribute and or review code in relevance to our community.

I cant personally come to the conclusion that move to github will yield the increase that they expect but you seem too and the number is 452 contributors to beat, so how long period do you choose to see if that number increase/decrease before you are willing to judge if that move was a success or a failure?

I'll put my money where my mouth is and put my "community growth" aside and say after this official move to a github, an community of 8 millions, the contribution number will not have increased over thousand in this community after a year! heck I owe you a case of Icelandic beer of your choosing if that number has reach over 500 after that month.

If that number goes beyond 500 after three months, additional case plus a litre bottle of reykjavodka.

If that number has passed the 750 after half a year, your kayak trip around this miserable erupting rock.

If it passes the contribution mark of thousand after an year a dive in Silfra including gear!.

However if my prediction hold true you fly over here and teach me to build a kayak ( since I have never built a kayak but you have, an knowledge I gladly would possess ).

I have faith that I'm wright and you are wrong, do you have faith in you are wright and I'm wrong and willing to back that up?

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