Am 06.07.2017 um 01:36 schrieb Michael Chapman:
Note that the semantic validations you're talking about here -- things like "does the user exist?" -- are _not_ preemptive. They are fatal: the child process will exit unsuccessfully as the command is executed if the settings will not be able to be applied.

User=0day fails a syntactic validation, not a semantic validation. systemd never even checks to see whether the user exists when the unit is loaded. And nor should it! The user must be allowed to not exist at unit-load time.

Contrary to some of the comments in this thread, there is no point in systemd's operation where it goes "oh look, that user actually exists but I'm going to pretend it doesn't"

well, it even don't look but pretend it can't while it does which is the worst type of operations possible - as long as "adduser" of the underlying OS accepts and create "0pointer" systemd has *no business at all* to pretend it can't
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