On Thu, 06.07.17 09:36, Michael Chapman (m...@very.puzzling.org) wrote:

> User=0day fails a syntactic validation, not a semantic validation. systemd
> never even checks to see whether the user exists when the unit is loaded.
> And nor should it! The user must be allowed to not exist at unit-load time.
> Contrary to some of the comments in this thread, there is no point in
> systemd's operation where it goes "oh look, that user actually exists but
> I'm going to pretend it doesn't".

Well, that's where we disagree: POSIX allows you to create a user
named "1000" that maps to a UID "1001". I find it very hard to swallow
that people actually defend that as a good concept, and claim that
systemd was negatively impacting security here by refusing this and
other ambiguous mappings.

We need to validate the input we get, that's security 101. And POSIX
is *not* a good standard to strictly follow here and use for
validating user names, because it's *very* underdefined:

- It permits fully numeric names
- It makes no size restrictions (strictly reading the spec even permits
  zero-length usernames!)
- It permits dots, which is conflicting with traditional chown syntax
- It permits dots at the beginning of usernames (which is dangerous
  security-wise as this permits users to hide home directories)
- It permits naming users "-", which is often used as special "does
  not apply" like value

Now, because this is so weakly defined, we hence do not follow POSIX
rules, but filter out more that might be dangerous. Specifically:

1. We do not permit empty usernames
2. We don't permit the first character to be numeric
   (This also filters out fully numeric user names)
3. We do not permit dots in usernames, neither at the beginning nor in
   the middle.
4. We do not permit "-" at the beginning of usernames (something which
   POSIX explicitly suggests, btw)
5. We require that the user name fits in the utmp user name field, so
   that we can always log properly about it.

Note that this isn't even as strict as other systems go. For example,
we do permit uppercase characters, and we do permit underscores.

Are these random rules we came up here? Nope. This actually matches
the various requirements enforced by the regex strings used by various
distros in one way or another. Moreover, if you type "valid linux user
name characters" into google, among the top links you'll find stuff
like this:


or this:


Which generally suggest similar rules.

Now, I do think that systemd has the duty to complain about any system
user names outside of the safe range. Not only for security reasons,
but also for portability and compatibility reasons: I think we should
ensure that unit files remain portable, and hence we should try to
filter out early stuff that's unlikely going to work outside of the
local scope.

We should also not pretend all was good if other tools make less
careful restrictions and permit usernames that cause ambiguities. Yes,
a lot of software is very sloppy with validating input, and yes, some
adduser/useradd implementations allow you to create a user called
"1000", but I am very sure that their sloppiness should not leak into
our codebase.

Also, do note that system users are different concepts than regular
users: system users are concepts required for system services which
are usually put together by developers, packagers and administrators
who hopefully understand these issues to some point and pick good
names instead.

And of course, note that systemd is open source. if you don't like the
restrictions we make, you can patch them out (or even use some other
project). But again, I think it's our duty to help build a more secure
ecosystem (and we do that by validating our input, by running systemd
services in sandboxes and so on), and hence these restrictions really
need to stay.

(I do accept though that it's a valid discussion whether systemd's
current behaviour of warning and skipping invalid User= rvalues is the
best choice, instead of erroring out completely.)


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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