
in the "split up Netherlands on Geofabrik download server" thread the
topic of the "ABC" and "SSS" islands was brought up.

I'll have to think about that. Things are a bit disorganised on the
download server when it comes to overseas territories. For example, the
Canary Islands have their own entry under "Africa" because that's where
they belong geographically, even though politically they are of course a
part of Spain. Once I split up Spain I'll probably have to add them
under Spain with the other subdivisions. Guadeloupe, which is
geographically in Central America, already has its own entry under
"France" (which can be confusing since the france.osm.pbf does *not*
contain Guadeloupe - just as the netherlands.osm.pbf is also confined to
the European part of the country).

The groupings "ABC" and "SSS" seem to be rather informal; other options
would be to group everything in one and call it... well... "Nederlandse
Antillen" is not an official term any more, is it? And "Caribisch
Nederland" is just three of the six islands? One could also have
separate files for each but they would be *really* small. Is the ABC/SSS
grouping the obvious choice?

I somewhat dislike the splitting of Saint Martin/Sint Maarten. I figure
that for all practical purposes, a map user would want to load a file
that contains both parts of the island, and it would be cumbersome to
have to pick the two halves out from underneath the Netherlands and
France (especially as there will be some overlap so combining the two
files can be difficult).

I'm open to suggestions on this. I would guess the Dutch and the French
are rather relaxed about the Saint Martin/Sint Maarten split but who
knows, maybe it's a hot political issue ;)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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