Or do like struts and stick an extension on there. Struts uses *.do. Here are the JkMounts for an app running on 4.1.12 on Solaris, using struts:

   JkMount /myApp/*.do  ajp13
   JkMount /myApp/*.jsp  ajp13

At that point, AFAIK, Tomcat will use the URL mapping in web.xml to determine which actual servlet to execute. So, if you have something like this in your URL:


then the JkMount would send it to Tomcat, and in your web.xml you'd have something like:


Or am I not understanding the goal?


On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 01:28:32 +0800, Jason Bainbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 00:04, Mike Curwen wrote:
Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm not using Tomcat's servlet invoker.
So I don't have a single 'some-string-here' (ie /servlet) that I can
use. Or do I?

I guess a lot of people are in a similar situation to the one I am in where the web application is completely composed of servlets so to simplify the URL the servlets within the web.xml file are mapped to exclude the servlet keyword eg:


This as you have suggested isn't too friendly for jkMount statements as there is no way to determine if it is a servlet or not, I guess the only way around that is to change the mapping to include the servlet keyword.


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