toby10 wrote: 
> If this is happening when you power up the NAS then it is likely that
> the NAS is too slow on it's bootup and not fully booted when LMS starts.
> You can add a program on your NAS to delay LMS startup.
> If the Touch is connected to LMS on the NAS then you navigate away from
> LMS then Touch cannot navigate back to LMS (and you did not turn off
> your NAS in the mean time) then your NAS has a settings issue or
> possibly the NAS has other programs running which require use of the
> same ports as LMS needs.
> Playlist creation:  Simply use your computer to remotely log into the
> LMS web UI, there you can create playlists by simply adding & saving
> items to your current playlist.

will have to look into power settings on NAS.

Not sure what you mean by touch navigating away from NAS - do you mean
like in switching libraries to USB?
NAS does have one other program - Twonky media, this is for streaming to
my WDTV live. Curiously when I re-enabled LMS, I noticed that Twonky
media was disabled. I re-enabled it (twonky media) whilst the SBT was
playing music from the NAS and this was not affected.

Will look at the playlists again when back on my home network.
Interestingly I read that you can export itunes playlists and that these
should work on the SBT. I created a test playlist in itunes, then
exported the .xml file to the playlist folder under multimedia in the
NAS, but the touch couldn't see it.

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