I don't see any reason why the same user cannot be logged in on with several
sessions and then logout on one of the sessions without affecting the
others.  Have you experienced this?

John McNally

----- Original Message -----
From: Jamie Allison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'Turbine' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 2:49 AM
Subject: Demo Login

> I want to demo a Turbine based site, and ideally I would want to set up a
> demoUser login and distribute the name and password to potential clients.
> Am I correct in thinking that having multiple users logged on as the same
> user at the same time would be a problem for a Turbine based site. If one
> user logged off it would log off all the others.
> Can anyone think of a way around this other than creating a dummy site
> doesn't use Turbine?
> Thanks for any suggestions
> Jamie
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