
We have an Ignite node reporting off-heap data region allocation like this
in the logs:

    ^-- Off-heap memory [used=37077MB, free=60.81%, allocated=94407MB]

The same process (.Net 7 running in a Kubernetes pod with 124Gb allocated
out of 128Gb available on the node), reports this level of managed memory

Heartbeat: Total managed memory use: 43836.083Mb

Clearly ~94Gb + ~44Gb (138Gb) is a lot more than both 128Gb and 124Gb

The node in question has the initial and maximum allocation for the data
region as 94208Mb (plus the system data region etc), so I expect the Ignite
node to have allocated that much (which is indicated by the 94407Mb
allocated figure noted in the log line.

However, the .Net CLR is reporting nearly 48Gb of managed RAM usage in
.Net, so something does not add up. Either .Net is lying about how much it
is using, or Ignite is lying about how much RAM it actually allocated.

I feel I am missing something here!


Raymond Wilson
Trimble Distinguished Engineer, Civil Construction Software (CCS)
11 Birmingham Drive | Christchurch, New Zealand


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