Kudu currently relies on local storage on a POSIX file system. Right now there 
is no support for S3, which would be interesting but is non-trivial in certain 
ways (particularly if we wanted to rely on S3's replication and disable Kudu's 
app-level replication).

I would suggest using only either EXT4 or XFS file systems for production 
deployments as of Kudu 1.3, in a JBOD configuration, with one SSD per machine 
for the WAL and with the data disks on either SATA or SSD drives depending on 
the workload. Anything else is untested AFAIK.

As for Alluxio, I haven't heard of people using it for permanent storage and 
since Kudu has its own block cache I don't think it would really help with 
caching. Also I don't recall Tachyon providing POSIX semantics.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 25, 2017, at 9:50 AM, Benjamin Kim <bbuil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know of a way to use AWS S3 or 

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