Hi all, 

For sake of simplicity, I answer to all mails in one go.

> Am 26.09.2023 um 02:50 schrieb Guofeng Zhang <guofen...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I met the same issue as yours after the installation. You please first verify 
> if CoTurn is set up correctly. Using stunclient from 
> https://www.stunprotocol.org/ to check if CoTurn setup correctly
> stunclient <turnserverIp> 3478
> It should prompt "Binding test: success" if the setup is ok.

Great hint. I got on a request from my desktop to the server: 

Binding test: success
Local address:
Mapped address:

But the —-mode behavior test failed.

But obviously the basic functionality works. 

> IIf there is any error message prompted, you please verify if the following 
> ports are opened by your firewall. For me, this is the root cause (I opened 
> port 3478 UDP, but forgot opening port 3478 TCP).
> 3478 TCP-UDP IN
> 5443 TCP IN
> 8888 TCP IN
> 49152:65535 UDP IN-OUT

I think, the ports are OK:

[root@letsmeet ~]# firewall-cmd  --list-all
FedoraServer (active)
  target: default
  icmp-block-inversion: no
  interfaces: enp1s0
  services: cockpit dhcpv6-client http https mdns ssh
  ports: 5443/tcp 3478/tcp 3478/udp 8888/tcp 49152-65535/udp
  forward: yes
  masquerade: no

The firewall blocks no outgoing traffic at all.

But I wandering about port 8888. As far as I get it, this port is for 
communication between OM and Kurento using the localhost interface.

Or is there any incoming traffic from the clients?

And the Port range 49152-65535, Isn’t it used by Kurento initializing p2p 
traffic to the clients. So Kurento is opening the port anyway? 

> But if your CoTurn runs on a VM in a cloud lik AWS, you should google to know 
> how to configure CoTurn specially, like:
> external-ip=<my public ip>/<my private ip>
> listening-ip=<my private ip>
> relay-ip=<my private ip>

My VM is running on my own root Server in a data center. So that’s not a 
problem here. But I take that for the Fedora Server documentation when I manage 
to get it running.

> Hope the above is helpful to you.

Yes, it is. Thanks!

> Am 26.09.2023 um 06:31 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>:
>> …….
> Our current demo server (and Dockerized Ubuntu 22) versions will work
> with Dokerized KMS
> KMS natively supports Ubuntu 20 only :(
> TURN server (listening ports 3478 TCP+UDP  AND ports being used for
> proxy 49152:65535 UDP IN-OUT) should be public
> In all my configurations I'm using TURN at the same server as OM and KMS
> Coturn config should be as simple as
> https://lists.apache.org/thread/x4rl7xjq6fnfy6nyl5c6lhmp57fdf4br

The source says:

I couldn’t switch the user to nobody. Fedora create a user coturn, so the proc 
is not running with root privileges.

And regarding lt-cred-mech the docs say:

# Be aware that use-auth-secret overrides some parts of lt-cred-mech.
# The use-auth-secret feature depends internally on lt-cred-mech, so if you set
# this option then it automatically enables lt-cred-mech internally
# as if you had enabled both.
# Note that you can use only one auth mechanism at the same time! This is 
# both mechanisms conduct username and password validation in different ways.
# Use either lt-cred-mech or use-auth-secret in the conf
# to avoid any confusion.

And the log gave a warning.

> `openmeetings.properties` file should have
> ### localhost IP in case KMS and OM are at the same server
> kurento.ws.url=ws://
> ### this URL must be *Public* IP+PORT, like
> kurento.turn.url=
> ### can be any string, for ex: fedora-user
> kurento.turn.user=
> ### this one should match *static-auth-secret* fron coturn config
> kurento.turn.secret=
> kurento.turn.mode=rest

My Kurento section is now:

################## Kurento ##################
## minutes
## milliseconds
## milliseconds
## please ensure this one is unique, better to regenerate it from time to time
## can be generated for ex. here https://www.uuidtools.com
## this list can be space and/or comma separated
## See 
## possible values: RSA, or ECDSA (capital-case)


> hope this helps :)

It does, yes, although I still get the error message: 
ERROR: check_stun_auth: Cannot find credentials of user 

As far as I know now, the configuration is OK. So the reason should be 
somewhere else.

Question: what triggers the error message?

Is kurento addressing coturn with that user name and coturn can’t not find the 
data or is it vice versa and coturn is addressing kurento and is asked by 
kurento for the credential for that user? 

Or is open meeting addressing coturn? 

Maybe I should leave coturn out for now and use an external turn server. You 
said OM container is configured this way.  How do I need to configure OM to 
make this work?

Is there a diagram somewhere of how the communication between the components 
involved, OM, kurento and coturn,  works?

> Am 26.09.2023 um 11:07 schrieb Alvaro <zurca...@gmail.com>:
> ...this dd USB stick burn works for me on Mac:
> ========
> sudo diskutil list
> ...look for your pendrive...
> sudo diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN
> ...replace last N for your pendrive number-disk...
> sudo dd if=./Live_OpenMeetings_7.1.0_on_Ubuntu_18.04_lts.iso  of=/dev/diskN 
> bs=1m
> ...replace last N for your pendrive number-disk
> and fill the empty spaces in the name "Live OpenMeetings 7.1.0...."
> When finish will show something similar to this:
> 88+0 records in
> 388+0 records out
> 406847488 bytes transferred in 94.024237 secs (4327049 bytes/sec)
> =============

Thanks, you are right. I found the reason. All the test boxes in my homelab are 
EFI systems. And EFI can’t boot a CD image, because there is no boot code 
before the partition anymore. A friend of mine pointed that out. 

After I managed to reconfigure one of the boxes to mimic a „legacy“ system with 
BIOOS boot, it worked. And I have a nice OpenMeetings desktop GUI.

I suppose, many people now have an EFI system. Maybe, you should add a hint to 
the description.

> # Respect to configuration Turn server and other,
> only can say...please follow pdf tutorial. There
> is any information.

I try my best. Unfortunately, something unknown to me is going wrong. Maybe, I 
should restart from scratch.

A question: Could you make a VM image (raw or qcow2) from your Fedora 
installation or is it already a VM?

Thank you all for your great help. I am still confident to get OpenMeeting 
running reliably and reproducibly on Fedora Server.


Peter Boy

Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST (UTC+2)

Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast

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