It's looking at the whole process's memory usage, and doesn't care
whether the memory is used by the heap or not within the JVM. Of
course, allocating memory off-heap still counts against you at the OS

On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 3:54 PM, Michael Segel
<> wrote:
> Thanks for the response Sean.
> But how does YARN know about the off-heap memory usage?
> That’s the piece that I’m missing.
> Thx again,
> -Mike
>> On Sep 21, 2016, at 10:09 PM, Sean Owen <> wrote:
>> No, Xmx only controls the maximum size of on-heap allocated memory.
>> The JVM doesn't manage/limit off-heap (how could it? it doesn't know
>> when it can be released).
>> The answer is that YARN will kill the process because it's using more
>> memory than it asked for. A JVM is always going to use a little
>> off-heap memory by itself, so setting a max heap size of 2GB means the
>> JVM process may use a bit more than 2GB of memory. With an off-heap
>> intensive app like Spark it can be a lot more.
>> There's a built-in 10% overhead, so that if you ask for a 3GB executor
>> it will ask for 3.3GB from YARN. You can increase the overhead.
>> On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 11:41 PM, Jörn Franke <> wrote:
>>> All off-heap memory is still managed by the JVM process. If you limit the
>>> memory of this process then you limit the memory. I think the memory of the
>>> JVM process could be limited via the xms/xmx parameter of the JVM. This can
>>> be configured via spark options for yarn (be aware that they are different
>>> in cluster and client mode), but i recommend to use the spark options for
>>> the off heap maximum.
>>> On 21 Sep 2016, at 22:02, Michael Segel <> wrote:
>>> I’ve asked this question a couple of times from a friend who didn’t know
>>> the answer… so I thought I would try here.
>>> Suppose we launch a job on a cluster (YARN) and we have set up the
>>> containers to be 3GB in size.
>>> What does that 3GB represent?
>>> I mean what happens if we end up using 2-3GB of off heap storage via
>>> tungsten?
>>> What will Spark do?
>>> Will it try to honor the container’s limits and throw an exception or will
>>> it allow my job to grab that amount of memory and exceed YARN’s
>>> expectations since its off heap?
>>> Thx
>>> -Mike
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