On 01/24/2014 04:38 PM, Tony Godshall wrote:
We generally recommend you install from PPA's not from the website. Our
debian packages on the website are not packaged explicitly for Ubuntu --
much better to stick to PPA's which are packaged by Bjoern (Canonical
employee) specifically for Ubuntu. If I were you, I'd purge LIbreOffice
completely and install through ppa without OpenOffice installed.

I never heard of the PPA over website version install recommendation

Most of the packages in this PPA have only experienced minor testing
-- in fact it is the place to enable a wider audience to test packages
before they are published into the distro proper. In general, this PPA
is _not_ for the average user to install without a closer look (if it
would be, its packages would be in the main repositories). OTOH, it is
_way_ _better_ to use packages from this PPA than using the *.deb
files that The Document Foundation provides upstream. So, _if_ you
want to be on the bleeding edge, do it here, not with upstream

end quote from https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa


That is the problem with PPAs, the bleeding edge version.

I would never recommend the PPA to people because it is the "bleeding edge" version. I only recommend the versions of LO that have .4 or larger at its "tail end". That is 4.1.2 out, but 4.1.4 in. I waited till 4.1.4 to upgrade from the last of the 4.0.x line. And, if nothing changes, I may wait for 4.2.4 to upgrade to that new line.

If the PPA only had the release versions of LO and not the "nightly build" or "RC" type of version of LO, then I would have to look into using the PPA again.

I see no real problem in installing the .deb or the .rpm version of LO. Sure it has a few steps, but you know exactly which version you are installing. Right now, it is simple to do. 1 - download the files. 2 - un-archive them. 3 - rename the long folder name to Lib for the installer and Lib2 for the help pack. That is easier for me than typing the long folder names in the Terminal. [yes there may be a shorter way, but I keep forgetting it] 4 - go to the proper folder by doing "cd Lib" then "cd DEBS". 5 - run the command "sudo dpkg -i *.deb". Maybe one day I will make a script to do the #4 and #5 actions for me, but it is not really needed.

Actually, it would be nice if someone included a .sh script in the packages so once it is un-archived, then all you need to to is run the script instead of going through all the steps to install it yourself.

Yes, PPAs would be easier, but I do not want the "bleeding edge" versions.

Anything to make it easier for our Linux users would be nice. Actually, it would be nice to have a script that would have some of the functions like the Windows installer does. That way it would be easier and you get to easily choose not to add the other languages, like French and Spanish, during the install. You give Windows users that option, but you require Linux users to include those languages unless they go into the .deb files and remove the proper packages needed, for installing the other languages that you do not want, without messing up the .deb or .rpm install. So having a script that asks you the language and dictionary questions would help. Actually, HP has their printer driver installer in a script, for the .deb installs. You run the script and are asked a question or three during the process. Then the script does all of the hard work, including making sure all of the dependencies are installed, if nay are needed. Of course, they have a MAKE command in the process that the LO installer would not need, but it is an idea.

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