I have a few URLs containing square brackets like http://example.org/foo[1]bar
I can create a TDB2 dataset without much problems, with warnings but no errors. 
I can also query these nodes "indirectly", that is if I query them by some 
property and not by URI. My problem is that I cannot query them directly by 
URI. As soon as I try to use the URIs explicitly in a query, for example 
"DESCRIBE <http://example.org/foo[1]bar>", I receive this error

ERROR SPARQL          :: [line: 1, col: 10] Bad IRI: 
'http://example.org/foo[1]bar': <http://example.org/foo[1]bar> Code: 
0/ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in PATH: The character violates the grammar rules for 

I tried escaping, "foo\[1\]bar" but it doesn't work.
I tried converting from a string, FILTER(?id = 
URI("http://example.org/foo[1]bar";)) but it doesn't work
What else could I try?

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