Another option is the HTTP query string - think of it as asking a question of resource "";


On 24/11/2023 11:03, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 11:46 AM Laura Morales <> wrote:

in the case that I want to use these URLs with a web browser.

I don't understand what the trouble with the above example is?

The problem with # is that browsers treat them as the start of a local 
reference. When you open the server only receives In other words it would be an error to create nodes 
for n different books (#1 #2 #3 #n) if my goal is also to use these URLs with a 
browser (for example if I want to show one page for every book). It's not a 
problem with Jena, it's a problem with the way browsers treat the fragment.

If you want a page for every book, don't use fragment URIs. Use or instead of

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