On Sun, 2016-08-14 at 18:17 +0000, Beartooth wrote:
>       I run a hybrid of xfce4 and mate, plus k3b and konqueror, on three 
> PCs, a laptop, and a tablet. Tweaking all that after a fresh install 
> involves literally 1.5 - 2 days per machine, going through fine print in 
> yumex, finding things I can delete and others I can add. 
>       It would be well worth the risk to upgrade the whole shebang, two 
> or three times at least, between installs. But you can't do that with live 
> media, which seem to be all there is on the download site.
>       There used to be options like fedup, or yum upgrade as opposed to 
> yum update. Is there a dnf equivalent? How/Where do I get it?? 

AFAIK yum upgrade and yum update have been the same for a very long
time. In any case, fedup is no longer recommended and dnf is now the
preferred option both for installation and regular updates. I've been
using it for a year or so without problems, including the last two
Fedora release upgrades. I don't think dnf and yumex talk to each other
much so I never use the latter.

I'm a little unclear on what your exact problem is. The Fedora page has
multiple download options, not just Live media. I haven't actually used
a Live download in several years.

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