On 7/30/2023 6:32 PM, Tamás Cservenák wrote:
There is no need for another plugin... well, let me explain:
all the "vanilla" plugins of Maven (install, deploy, release) support
everything that aforementioned plugin does: install at end, deploy at end,
stage/deploy, there is ONLY two things they cannot do: "close" and
"release" (the staging repo).

Tamás, thanks again for this explanation. I have never drilled down in to the deployment process.

I'm reading the [Nexus Staging Maven Plugin documentation](https://github.com/sonatype/nexus-maven-plugins/blob/main/staging/maven-plugin/README.md), and if I'm understanding it correctly, this plugin actually somehow _disables_ the Maven Deploy Plugin in Maven 3.x?

So if I were to put the Nexus Staging Maven Plugin into a separate profile, and then run `mvn deploy` without specifying that profile, does that mean that by default the Maven Deploy Plugin would kick in automatically and still try to upload my artifacts somewhere? Where would it try to upload them to?

Is there some documentation on deploying my artifacts to Maven Central without using the Nexus Maven Plugin?

I configured all this deployment stuff probably 10 years ago. I'm going back to my notes, and it looks like here are the instructions, straight from Sonatype, for [Deploying to OSSRH with Apache Maven](https://central.sonatype.org/publish/publish-maven/#nexus-staging-maven-plugin-for-deployment-and-release). There it's pretty clear:

> The Nexus Staging Maven Plugin is the recommended way to deploy your components to OSSRH and release them to the Central Repository.

It appears that Sonatype hasn't been informed that the Nexus Staging Plugin is end-of-life, shouldn't be used, and won't work in Maven 4. :)


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