On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, hermann pitton wrote:

> Wan Tat Chee has reported the 150K limit for rc4 and also it came up
> here that audio doesn't work on recording. So I'm still happy with my
> old one.

The audio issue has two parts: 
1. For Fv2K (SAA7130), there's a bug where the tv_audio thread isn't
   started in the Feb 18 snapshot due to changes to support SAA7133/5.
   I had submitted a patch to fix that (missing case statement).

2. Mplayer not being able to unmute the audio automatically.
   This is probably something to do with v4l1-compat. Workaround,
   use 'v4lctl volume mute off'

I haven't managed to compile the v4l2 support into mplayer as it expects
the headers in /usr/include/linux, which under RH 8.0, points to the
glibc-kernheaders which is obsolete wrt. v4l2. 

Wan Tat Chee (Lecturer)
School of Computer Science, Univ. Science Malaysia,
11800 Minden, Penang, Malaysia.          Ofc Ph: +604 653-3888 x 3617
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            Web: http://nrg.cs.usm.my/~tcwan
GPG Key : http://nrg.cs.usm.my/~tcwan/tcw_gpg.asc
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