I'm not against doing another one. I just hadn't seen anyone say why they
wanted to have another one other than "we had one last year so let's have
one this year plus it'll be fun to hang out."

I agree that it should be much easier to have it be much less yahoo-group
centric which should make it pretty interesting.

- Verdi

On 2/22/07, schlomo rabinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I think some of the stuff from the last vloggercon still is applicable
> today:
> How tos
> Net Neutrality
> Digital Divide
> Get Togethers
> Distributed Collaboration
> Futurist Brainstorming Sessions
> Video Vertigo Summit
> Money Makin', Makin' Bacon
> ... and that's just off the top of my head.
> I know you and Jay keep saying that you dont see a reason to have one
> yet, but I still disagree...and that's coming from someone who put a
> lot of work into the last one; I understand what an undertaking it is
> to create a two-day event (if it'll even be a two-day event next
> time). There is much to discuss. And even more to celebrate!
> One thing I kept fighting against last time is how Yahoo-centric it
> was; today it will be much easier to bring in perspectives from all
> over the web. From the youtubers to Corporate (like NPR and NYT)
> those who go it alone. This is the main reason why I want to do it.
> I'm selfish: I just want to talk to these other folks and all they
> need is a reason to come over.
> Anyway, that's my two cents..
> Schlomo
> http://schlomolog.blogspot.com
> http://webshots.com/is/spotlight
> http://hatfactory.net
> http://evilvlog.com
> On 2/22/07, Michael Verdi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]<michael%40michaelverdi.com>>
> wrote:
> >
> > What are people thinking they'd like do at another vloggercon aside from
> > meet and hang out (which is a given!)? What developments in the last 9
> > months do you want to see addressed? What wasn't addressed last time
> that
> > should have been? Basically I'm trying to steer the conversation from
> when
> > and where to why.

Author of Secrets Of Videoblogging - http://tinyurl.com/me4vs

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