Yeah, more 'how', less 'why' this time.

Great idea Randy, I'd love to see a session on RSS, how, why future, 
etc. (another tie-in to vertigo?)  I think a big problem with RSS is the 
speed of the adoption of changes/advancements.  Education via these 
types of sessions would increase awareness and the more people know and 
understand it, the bigger the creative pool will be.

The 'town-hall' style of the sessions last year did kick ass.  It would 
be cool to have folks from companies that consume and produce rss there 
to talk with those attending, a big brain-storm/education thing.


> i have a  request for a secesion
> rss how it works,why it works and why cant i get it working
> On 2/22/07, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>   Den 22.02.2007 kl. 22:10 skrev Michael Verdi <[EMAIL 
>>> :
>>> I agree that it should be much easier to have it be much less
>> yahoo-group
>>> centric which should make it pretty interesting.
>> I mostly want a reason to go to the US.
>> In my own selfish world - and that's all that matters on the internet -
>> I'd like to see less making money, more creation. And I don't care for red
>> carpets, but I do care for group hugs and hyperbole. I would also like to
>> see these Youtubers I keep hearing about, possibly study them in their
>> natural habitat.
>> I also would like to point out that it doesn't have to be named
>> Vloggercon.
>> PS. The video vertigo summit last year was very valuable. Tacking on such
>> a thing again would be a Good Thing in my book. Preferably a full day
>> instead of four-five hurried hours. Possibly in a setting where mock-ups
>> and wireframes can be made.
>> --
>> Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
>> <URL: >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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