Agreed, Rupert.
Bottom line for me is, I think YouTube UI sucks. I think YouTube has always
had many bugs and poor workflow.
I think YouTube's terms suck.  I think YouTube users who dont post but just
comment with filth suck.  I think YouTube appreciation for its content
contributors has sucked for 95% of its lifespan and they are only now
working in ways to improve that.  I think YouTube logo sucks.  I think
YouTube flash player sucks.

I dont think content contributors suck.  I might think their content sucks,
but that applies to anywhere on the web and has nothing to do with YouTube.


On 3/6/07, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I don't think it's true. The thing about comedians is, they always
> generalise about everything. ;-)
> People here (like me recently) have complained about YouTube's
> interface and methods, but never on the people creating content.
> I've not read anyone here express disdain for anyone posting video,
> just support. yes, it's less attractive to me as a distribution
> platform than Blip/my blog, partly because of the people who post
> hateful comments and because it's so competitive in feel and a closed
> streaming-only system. and i'm depressed that some people who would
> benefit from a videoblog might be turned off by the YouTube
> experience. but i would never turn my nose up at watching someone
> else using it. there is no inherent connection between quality of
> content and how you choose to distribute it. i doubt many here would
> disagree with that statement.
> Also, many MSM execs don't understand it, for many reasons - for
> instance some TV execs I've spoken to are genuinely mystified that so
> much excitement can be generated over some one-off 2 minute clip that
> a few hundred thousand people watch - they're thinking in terms of
> their sponsored series of hour long shows that attract millions, and
> they're not sure how they can use online video themselves - but all
> the major networks have started posting their content on there, and
> if they're going to look down on anyone, they'd probably look down on
> videobloggers more than those people who choose to tap into the vast
> audience switched onto YouTube (which they might be able to identify
> with as a one-stop TV channel).
> Rupert
> On 6 Mar 2007, at 16:47, Mark Day wrote:
> Q: Why are videobloggers like mainstream media executives?
> A: They both look down on people who post videos on YouTube.
> Actually, that's unfair. To mainstream media executives (ba - dum -
> bing!)
> It's funny, as we like to say in comedy, because it's true.
> Just some food for thought.
> Cheers
> Mark Day
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Sull (a project) (my blog) (otherly)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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