Jason, don't you know this was a self promotion by Jason? He knows all to well 
what it takes to get 125k views per day. To quote Charles Barkley, he's 
"playing you like a cheap guitar"

danielmcvicar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Hi Jason
Your view level is pretty good, your show looks very good.

If you want more views, put it across the board on multiple servers and hosts. 
You'd be 
surprised at how many you can get at Daily Motion.

You may also experiment with short sweet and sexy promos. Across the board.

Sex is what attracts attention the most, the hook is something that you have an 

Then, as a daily show, you are a service, liek Rocketboom, more than a brand 
like French 
Maid TV. Your audience will find a certain comfort in watching the videos daily.

What I enjoyed with The Late Nite Mash experiment was a surprise to me...coming 
audience counting media. It was the collaboration that I found online and in 

All the best with your show.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jason McCabe Calacanis" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We launched Mahalo Daily with Veronica Belmont last week as some of
> you might know. You can find the show at http://daily.mahalo.com and
> on iTunes. We're hosting it at Blip.Tv (for now) but considering some
> other options since folks have been pinging us. 
> I'm looking for some advice on what we can do--other than make the
> best show we can--to grow the view to 100k+ a day quickly. 
> We did over 120k views in the first week (about 12-37k views for each
> of the first four shows) which is much more than I thought we would.
> We've got our iTunes page running and we're syndicating the videos to
> YouTube and Facebook. We've also started a Facebook, Ning, Flickr, and
> Twitter groups/accounts to compliment the program. They are getting
> nice pickup. 
> On a business level, I'm wondering if there is anyone out there who
> can bring in 100-250k views a day for show, perhaps in exchange for
> exclusive hosting rights/advertising rights or something (i.e. Yahoo,
> AOL, YouTube, etc). 
> Anyone have an distribution tips?
> Has anyone done deals like this? 
> Mahalo for any help... 
> best J
> i blogged about this here:
> http://www.calacanis.com/2007/11/11/congrats-to-tyler-and-veronica-on-an-


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