"Didn't someone hail "democracy" as an asset of Wikipedia?"

No. In fact, everywhere you'll turn you'll see statements that say the exact 
opposite. We have whole sections of the most basic documents outlining this. 
Like this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:DEM

"Wikipedia hates experts."

The Wiki is all about *love* not hate.

We even love the people that post links to their mail lists calling them all 

But you know what love even more?

We *really* love that the content in question mentioned in a reliable, 
reputable, 3rd party, non-self-published resource.

We *love* our citations.

And this is precisely why the Wiki *isn't* a democracy. It doesn't make a 
difference how many people "vote" for something, it's either properly cited, or 
its not.


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