We recommend that students use a "wired connection" as well.  For PS3 units 
they use a built in browser which hits our captive portal with our student 
network agreement and they have to sign in with their credentials, which 
registers the console.  We manage this using Netreg (an automated DHCP 
registration system) available at http://netreg.sourceforge.net/.

For other devices like Xbox that don't have the built in browser, we have 
Residential Technology Assistants place a ticket with the MAC address and I 
manually add them into the Netreg system.

We have a miscellaneous wireless network, which changes passwords every 
semester that they can join their gaming consoles to.



From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2013 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Game consoles?

On 12/23/2013 4:43 PM, Danny Eaton wrote:
There seems to be a growing demand, and with the holiday season upon us, I'm 
expecting more than a few requests when we all come back.  Is anyone allowing 
residential students to register game consoles on a wireless SSID?  If so, how? 
 WPA2-PSK?  MAC address registration?

We "tolerate" it, but we strongly encourage wired connections for game 
consoles, TVs, BluRays, etc.

We have game console registration support based on MAC address OID 
verification.  The others we are at this point manually registering (they enter 
a helpdesk ticket).

If you have a spectrum analyzer sort of device that will give you a "timeslice 
breakdown" of a given radio channel, you'll quickly be alarmed by the 
utilization of these silly devices :(

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