At 10:38 AM 1/31/2001 -0500, Alan Kotok wrote:
>My good friend William Kammerer of Foresight Corporation pointed out two 
>glaring factual errors in the story ...

I agree that there are a few errors here.  My point in showing this was 
that this article is the first time (that I am aware) someone has tried to 
point out the real world difficulties in XML/EDI implementation in a trade 
magazine.  Before this is was rosy hype leading companies astray.

At 11:18 AM 1/31/2001 -0500, David RR Webber wrote:
>Please do NOT confuse XML-EDI with XML/edi !!!!!!
>Quite simply all that you have been describing is XML-EDI.
>We said THREE YEARS AGO that would not work - but who are we?

Most of us were not here three years ago.  Please state again the 
difference between XML-EDI and XML/edi.  The web page does not clearly 
state that nor does your email.

David I don't think that distinction will matter at all to the major point 
I raise because regardless of this you still need to integrate the received 
document into the back-end data base of the receiving partner.  It is this 
point of semantic translation that is the problem in XML-EDI or XML/edi (or 
X12, etc.).

At 11:18 AM 1/31/2001 -0500, David RR Webber wrote:
>I'm sorry that CISCO has poured millions into the hole
>finding this out - but I am not in the least bit surprised.

I expect by this you would also have to apply this same comment to 
RosettaNet who continues to form these standards?  Is this not also XML-EDI 
and bound to fail?

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