Hi all,

One of the complaints of EDI is cost. The way I see it, XML will not be less
costlier. The amount of initiatives moving this XML is costing money, and
they would like to make money from it.

Next time you use XML, you'll pay (probably like pay-per-view tv style). To
parse, you pay for the parser. And eh, my UK parser is not compatible with
American standards, so I have to buy another parser. And how do I automate
which parser to use? Buy another piece of software or write my own! To
translate XML to your old EDI format, you pay again. In the end, we are back
to step one.

Why do you think the big guys are running after XML? Because they are going
to make big bucks from it! Who's going to pay for it?


PS. Why XML must come up with so many bombastic terms like
vertical markets,
etc etc???

Whenever I look at XML sites, I develop a big headache because of these
words. For example, Alan Kotok corrected Steve to use 'parse' instead of the
common word 'part'. To me, its the same. Why? I just want to cut up a flat
file into transactions, segments, and fields thats all. Is 'parse' a more
superior and complicated process? No, I am a programmer and it is all the
same to me. Give me anything and I'll part, parse or cut for you.
There is nothing more annoying than people who come up with new terms to
describe absolutely normal and common processes.

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