On Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 14:14 -0700, Christian Kreibich wrote:

> https://bit.ly/zeek-os-calendar-ical
> https://bit.ly/zeek-os-calendar-google

Cool, very nice!

Want to start a Wiki page where we collect the pieces for our new
policy? Can link to those calendars from there.

> I think we've got this, too: when a new release starts, it should go into
> CI, and when one drops off LTS EOL, it can go. What do you think?

Yeah, though I think we'll need to discuss on per distribution basis
what exactly the versions are that we want to support at any point of
time (and hence have in CI), plus any additional assumptions we're
making (e.g., requiring devtools-X on CentOS).

That might be as easy as supporting anything currently in either
release or LTS, but spelling it out in the terms of the corresponding
distributions would be helpful to make sure everybody's on the same
page (e.g., some phrasing of "on Ubuntu, we support the current
release as well as any LTS release not EOL yet; and we assume just
standard packages"). Could you give that a try on that Wiki page as
well for those distros, and then we can send it around to the users'
list to see if people can get behind it?

One more OS to add is macOS. While nobody knows the deadlines there,
we should record how far back we go in supporting previous versions,
and what package management we're assuming for dependencies (Homebrew
I suppose).


Robin Sommer * Corelight, Inc. * ro...@corelight.com * www.corelight.com
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