On 3/27/15 3:48 AM, Hendrik Schreiber wrote:
If my understanding of the current drawing pipeline is correct, RGBA without 
premultiplication is slow as premultiplication is done on-the-fly when 
drawing—at least for OS X and OpenGL, as pointed out in 

That's an odd bug. I'll note that it points out that we had missing loops in the OpenGL pipeline to directly deal with the non-PRE data and it links to a bug that adds those loops for more direct handling. It's also not clear why those BufferedImage objects weren't cached. If you create a BI and render to it and then blit from it a bunch of times it should be cached in VRAM and the format shouldn't matter, but if you are constantly rendering to the BI, then our cache never has time to set up - and if you grab the data buffer for that BI, then it will never be cached. But the buffers we use in the ImageRepresentations should be static and should be cached.

I'm not saying that I have all of the answers as to whether or not changing the PNG decoder to use PRE buffers would help, I'm just trying to delineate all of the considerations that affect whether this is a practical issue or not. We'd need test cases to test if any of the mechanisms I'm describing are doing their job or not...


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