The patch as it is will make things much better, but it may be worth "doing it right" as long as we are revisiting this algorithm and write it to deal better with the OOME/integer overflow cases.

I looked at the ArrayList code and found a bit of voodoo there in the overflow code which troubled me as a potential maintainer. It's one thing to write clever code, it's another thing to write clever code that others can come along and maintain without having to fill a white board with input/output ranges and 2's complement rules. It's not like this code is going to be in an inner loop somewhere - the time for a couple of conditional checks and min/maxes will be vastly swallowed by the costs of allocation and copying data so it would be better to just write straightforward code whose overflow considerations are documented for future maintainers. (Having said that I probably wrote some pretty obtusely clever code in the Rectangle class myself... D'oh!) My general goal is to include comments with the incoming assumptions and then document how I've ruled out cases and narrowed ranges with small single-line comments as the calculations and decisions are made...


On 4/3/15 6:37 AM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:

2015-04-03 15:16 GMT+02:00 Sergey Bylokhov <

    Is that a problem that with the new code we can get OOM earlier in
    some cases? Should we take care of overflow more carefully now? It
    seems that ArrayList.grow contains similar logic.

I advocate I did not test with a small heap (Xmx32m ...)

I agree my patch will waste more memory : 1/8th for both arrays (byte[]
and float or double[]) instead of 500 byte and 1000 float/double values !

I looked at ArrayList.grow(int) and it deals with integer overflow ie
Integer.MAX_VALUE ... I did not imagine such big paths !

But you're right: my code can be improved to deal with OOME and overflow.

In case of OOME, it may be possible to try allocating another array with
a smaller grow ?
Is it what you had in mind ?


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