looks good to me.

On 8/11/2016 3:52 PM, Prahalad Kumar Narayanan wrote:
Hello Everyone

First, Thanks to Prasanta for his feedback.
I 've incorporated the feedback in the code and changes are available for 
       Review Link: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pnarayanan/8158524/webrev.01/

Quick summary on changes from previous revision:
       . Wild card imports have been replaced with specific imports
       . @override annotation has been added to the paint() method
       . RuntimeException is thrown instead of Error though both would report 
regression failure.
       . Image loading has been corrected with proper filePath.
       . With regard to image and licensing issue:
                 . I checked the image properties. There is no 
'author/copyright' information with this image.
                 . The file matches when compared (binary) with the similar 
.gif image in test/java/awt/print/PrinterJob/

Kindly review the changes at your convenience and share your views.

Thank you
Have a good day

Prahalad N.

-----Original Message-----
From: Prasanta Sadhukhan
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 1:02 PM
To: Prahalad Kumar Narayanan; 2d-dev@openjdk.java.net
Cc: Philip Race; Sergey Bylokhov
Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [9] Review Request: JDK-8158524: Test file added 
for VolatileImage -vs- BufferedImage output comparison

You need to use @Override annotation for paint() method. Also, you can use 
specific imports rather than package imports.
Also, I guess it's better to throw RuntimeException than Error for failure, not 
sure how jtreg will react to it.
Lastly, I am not sure if you can use duke.gif image which maynot be licensed 
although we have similar duke.gif in java/awt/print/PrinterJob.

On 8/11/2016 11:30 AM, Prahalad Kumar Narayanan wrote:
Hello Everyone

Good day to you.

I 'm planning to add a test file into jdk/test/ repository.
The webrev changes for the test file is presented herewith.

Brief on the test & its objectives:
          . As we know, VolatileImage utilizes accelerated rendering using GPU 
while BufferedImage utilizes software rendering
          . The objective of this test-case is to check whether the rendered 2d 
primitives appear same on VolatileImage and BufferedImage
          . In rare cases, the rendering on VolatileImage might differ by few 
pixels from BufferedImage due to D3D/OpenGL driver 's handling of primitives
                   . Java2D pipelines for D3D/OpenGL APIs use fudge factors to 
fine tune rendering calls so that output matches with output of BufferedImage.
                   . Thus the test case will help in checking for consistent 
rendering across pipelines and also in identifying scenarios where pipelines 
need to be fine-tuned.

Kindly review the test file and share your views at your convenience

Thank you
Have a good day

Prahalad N.

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