Are all/any tracks exclusive to this compilation?


-----Original Message-----
Of Lance @ Inaudible
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2000 1:18 AM
Subject: (313) Clicks + Cuts comp & new Jake Mandell releases...

Just got two excellent new releases from the Mille Plateaux/
Force Inc/Position Chrome/Ritornell label collective. Here are
the infos on each + some comments.

If you think glitchy electronica is just pops, clicks, skips,
and stutters then this compilation is one that might actually
change your mind. If you are a fan of glitch, then this will
be your compilation of the year for 2000. 

. Clicks_+_Cuts comp 2xcd/3xLP (Mille Plateaux/MP079)
      CD1 Tracks:
      - Frank Bretschneider: kern
      - SND: circa 1509
      - Farben: rante
      - Vladislav Delay: synkopoint
      - Pole: heim
      - Pansonic: koilinen
      - Alva Noto: prototype.n
      - Skist: shift
      - Stillupsteypa: confused bear thrown into the sea
      - Neina: clairvoyance
      - Sutekh: unstabile
      - Curd Duca: pop
      CD2 Tracks:
      - Ester Brinkmann: maschine
      - All: uberall
      - Dettinger: strange fruit
      - Autopoieses: these few minutes
      - Jake Mandell: i won't lie
      - Kit Clayton: loads early like normal
      - Ultra Red: (esta gran humanidad ha dicho) ya basta!
      - Reinhard Voigt: matrix
      - Thomas Meinecke's Framus Waikiki: rechannelled from stereo
      - Panacea: sinecore
      - Ihan: sana titre n 2
      - Kid 606: sonqizzmaster
      - Goem: comp vier

Overall, a truely amazing compilation. A marvellous mix
of experimental/abstract techno, electronica & ambient with
a suprising amount of melody mixed it all heavily laiden with
the pops, clicks & skips that defines the glitch sound. This
comp features beautiful tracks from familiar glitch artists like
noto, komet, snd, farben, brinkman, dettinger, goem, neina, 
voigt, panasonic, vladislav delay, and pole as well as impressive 
tracks from artists not previously known for sed style like sutekh, 
curd duca, kit clayton, jake mandell, kid606, and panacea. If I had to 
make one small complaint it would be that I would have liked to have 
also heard contrabutions from other glitch artists like Oval, Ryoji 
Ikeda, Kohn, Minit, Shuttle358, Tom Steinle, Novisad, & Cathars 
but even without those producers this is still a superb compilation. 
Fans of any of the producers on this comp or the ones i just 
mentioned will adore this compilation. Highly recommended.

Release date: mid January 2000.

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