On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, Tom Churchill wrote:

> > Releases:
> > . Detroit Escalator Co: psalm 12" (DEC)
> > . Detroit Escalator Co: soundtrack 313 cd/2xlp (Ferox)
> >
> > Comp appearance:
> > . Time:Space comp cd (Transmat)
> >
> > And i think i remember reading about another
> > DEC 12" called braille on his own DEC label
> > but i dont have it and have never seen it.
> This definitely exists, but I don't have it. I saw it in Fat Cat years
> ago but (incredibly stupidly, in retrospect) didn't pick it up...

Yes, this did come out and was very limited. It contained 3 tracks from
what I remember. And it was like a promo for the Ferox LP Soundtrack 313

Neil also told me about an upcoming ep on Transmat called 'blue science /
between dubnotes' Can't wait to hear this and hope Derrick keeps a more
steady release schedule for Transmat in the future.


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