hans wrote:
> see).  It'll be more authentic looking than GO but still cheesy as hell. 
> But then again when has anyone ever made a feature film that accurately
> portrayed a pop culture movement.  Those of us who care are too busy trying
> to hold on to the integrity of the music and don't have time to learn how to
> make films and write screenplays.....or do we?

Track selection aside, I thought Human Traffic is far and above the best
mainstream flick I have seen to portray a movement I include myself in.
You can kinda take or leave the drug angle to a degree it's the attitude
that it portrays that hits the nail on the head. Am I the only one who
wanted to stand up tall with my fist in the air at the end of the flick?
'together as one' *chuckle*

Of course people who believe in the music have time (well some) to make
films and screenplays, capitial is another story. It's about getting a
posse together with the same values and not having to deal with
'marketable soundtrack' crap. Then there is the 'oh you don't spin shit so
you have no clue' that one has get past. You don't need to make the music
or spin the trax to follow the cult. You just need to believe ;)

'i believe'

"it's in the way that you groove it"

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