Many apologies to those of you who can't take a joke.  I was simply making
an attempt to humor those of us in the bay area who are tired of the
constant bombardment of substandard music
(this is a place where you can have someone like Claude Young play and only
have 150 kids show up).  For those of you who have never been to the bay
area it is a place where the trendier bullshit fashion show aspects of
"raving" and "clubbing" are important than what's playing on the sound
system.  There are some good things out here musically but that is in a vast
minority and my comment was merely something for those who know to giggle
about.  And just to incur further hate mail for my own
amusement.........what exactly is going to get ugly? Are you going to make
me wear a diaper, stick a pacifier in my mouth and force me to dance around
with glowsticks to ferngully trance or soulless disco house?  Now that's
fuckin ugly. 
Opinions are like assholes.......

P.S. Farina's still pretty ok but if you ever see the Wicked crew play they
are really nothing to marvel at....unless of course you are easily

On Mon, 07 Feb 2000 10:06:07 PST, Shane from PLURkids wrote:

>  hans kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >flavored Techno as opposed to the constant suck-ass bombardment of
>  >house and trance you typically get
>    What exactly is "cracker house"? I REALLY hope you are not referring to

>  San Francisco style house, ala' Farina, Jeno, Markie, Garth, etc, in a 
>  derogatory manner - or this could get ugly...
>  Shane
>  PLURkids Productions
>  Info 734.913.9672
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