Thomas from Wicked is still good.
Then again, he left San Francisco, and Lives in New York, and doesn't really
play San Fran style House


hans kaufmann wrote:

> Many apologies to those of you who can't take a joke.  I was simply making
> an attempt to humor those of us in the bay area who are tired of the
> constant bombardment of substandard music
> (this is a place where you can have someone like Claude Young play and only
> have 150 kids show up).  For those of you who have never been to the bay
> area it is a place where the trendier bullshit fashion show aspects of
> "raving" and "clubbing" are important than what's playing on the sound
> system.  There are some good things out here musically but that is in a vast
> minority and my comment was merely something for those who know to giggle
> about.  And just to incur further hate mail for my own
> amusement.........what exactly is going to get ugly? Are you going to make
> me wear a diaper, stick a pacifier in my mouth and force me to dance around
> with glowsticks to ferngully trance or soulless disco house?  Now that's
> fuckin ugly.
> Opinions are like assholes.......
> P.S. Farina's still pretty ok but if you ever see the Wicked crew play they
> are really nothing to marvel at....unless of course you are easily
> impressed.
> On Mon, 07 Feb 2000 10:06:07 PST, Shane from PLURkids wrote:
> >  hans kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  >flavored Techno as opposed to the constant suck-ass bombardment of
> >cracker
> >  >house and trance you typically get
> >
> >
> >    What exactly is "cracker house"? I REALLY hope you are not referring to
> >  San Francisco style house, ala' Farina, Jeno, Markie, Garth, etc, in a
> >  derogatory manner - or this could get ugly...
> >
> >
> >
> >  Shane
> >  PLURkids Productions
> >  Info 734.913.9672
> >
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> >  ((_(  ((_   ((  (|  ((_) ((  ((
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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