It's an amazing album you should listen to.  I'm not as impressed by it as
many, but I still think it's special.  Great rhythms with a shimmering
tone of tranquil beauty.

I'm happy to see Transmat supporting non-Detroit artists like Aril and
Microworld.  And if you get the chance, pick up the vinyl formats of these
releases.  I never realized Microworld's "Signals" was such an amazing
song until I heard the complete 12 minute version.

On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Lester Kenyatta Spence wrote:

> am checking out the transmat website as i try to stay awake and
> old is this DEPARTURES IN TIME cd they're advertising?
> anyone checked it out?  listening to a loop of it reminds me of some old
> school detroit shit.....
>          -----------------------------------------------
>          Lester Kenyatta Spence     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>        Ph.D. Candidate in American Politics
>        University of Michigan
>        "Strive for excellence in all you do, that no
>        fault may be found in your character...."        
>        -----------------------------------------------

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