On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Jason Stanley Birchmeier wrote:
> There isn't any other DJ -- not even Jeff Mills -- than can match Richie's
> technical skills.  He takes bland, lifeless, banging techno records and
> brings them to life.  It's almost as though his use of the EQ and 909
> shapes the tracks more than the original producer.
Err...I saw both those guys in the same night, and I'm not sure it's
fair to compare them.  I didn't see either of them drop 'lifeless' tracks.
There are enough really rocking techno tracks out there that I can't
imagine dropping anything subpar is an option.

Both those guys drop records whose primary purpose in life is to be
mixed in a techno set. To call them lifeless is like calling a screwdriver
or a belt sander lifeless. Category error.

The difference in my opinion between Jeff and Richie is that Jeff is all
about body music. Richie is much more conceptual about it. Not to say they're
no concept behind Jeff's DJ'ing and production; but Richie will try a mix
because it fits conceptually regardless of how it affects the groove, and
Jeff is always about the groove.

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