
Look out for a new fanzine due out in early March. 'Overload:Media' is it's name and there's a fair few of the Magic Feet gang contributing material. Should be pretty cool. I've provided some 'Detroit content' with an article on the UR vs. Sony thang which has a bit more detail than the identical few lines afforded to it by the larger rags.

Keep your eyes peeled....


----Original Message Follows----
From: "robin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: (313) Re: 313-Digest V1 #1299
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 14:37:00 +0000

>but i would agree Muzik is in a state at the moment. At least Jockey Slut
>keep things in perspective.

forgot to mention

bring back Magic Feet!!!!
(the best mag by a long shot, and no i don't have a vested interest)

DETROIT CONTENT: finally managed to pick up Round Two on Mainstreet, has this
been re-pressed, if so is Round One being repressed too???


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